Top 5 Music Festival Tips

Music festivals are an exciting time, but the best advice I can give anyone is to come prepared! I experienced my first music festival at the Austin City Limits! 

Here are my top 5 tips when attending a music festival.

#1. Make a Schedule 

There are tons of artists that perform at festivals and most times their set times overlap. Usually there a multiple stages. Get a list of the line-up and time slots, choose the people you want to see perform, then make a schedule of when & where you need to be for each show. I promise it will save you the headache of a last minute decision.

#2. Have a Buddy System 

The worst feeling is losing a friend and not being able to find them in a sea with thousands of people. The best thing to do is have a check point to meet back at when anyone gets lost. Phones die and reception can be terrible at events like this. Its best to have a meeting spot.

#3. Stay Hydrated 

I don't know how many times I can stress this. STAY HYDRATED! You have to remember you are going to be out in the sun for severals hours. Passing out from dehydration and exhaustion is very common. Drink lots of water and pace yourself.

#4. Wear Sunscreen 

It does not matter what shade of skin tone you are, you need to wear lots of sunscreen. So many people get burned from being out in the sun all day. Protect your skin and stay as shaded as possible.

#5. Remember to EAT!

I know this tip sounds obvious but honestly people either forget to eat or do not eat because they don't want to lose their spot.  Bring some snacks guys, hunger and heat do not mix.

Hopefully you can learn something from one of my tips! I honestly had the greatest first time experience at the Austin City Limits! I cannot wait to experience my next music festival!
